Sunday, October 08, 2006


Welcome, to my new blog!

I wanted to call this blog: 'Future of Energy'. But it seems somebody has already taken this blog name, although it's not very active for the moment. If you are the owner of this blog, please feel free to leave a comment with your contact information. Maybe we can co-operate on some stuff.

As the initial blog name was already taken, I had to think of an other name and so I came up with the name Energy2Come. In fact it means the same of 'Future of Energy', but maybe the name looks a bit more flashy now.

Why did I create this new blog?

It's already a long time that I'm interested in all kinds of Energy Technology. To make it clear, I'm not at all an technology expert, I'm just enormously interested in this technology and I want to learn a lot about this. This is one of the main reasons of this blog. The blog is aimed to be an interactive forum, not a place to publish my expertise, so please give me feedback in the comments section. Any good comments will be picked up again in the blog too!

The blog is written in English because I want to reach a public as broad as possible. If I would write in my native tongue (Dutch) the audience would be a lot smaller. And as most Flemish people speak also a little bit of English, I suppose this can't be a problem.

As written in the description of this blog, this blog will cover global topics with snippets of information I view on the web and in literature, but it will also cover the energy topic in the region of Brugge (Belgium). This is the city where I live and where a lot of possibilities are available concerning future Energy Technology. This can be read in the report 'Brugge 2015-2025: Een toekomstvisie!' by Junior Chamber International Brugge (JCI). It's written in Dutch.

The energy provisioning will be more and more difficult in the future, I don't need to tell this I think. But this problem gives also a lot of opportunities for new companies and for new technologies. That is what thrills me so much, this is why I want to build this blog...

Do you have any feedback? Please write a comment to let me now! Thanks a lot!

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