Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Christmas Windmill
Originally uploaded by o0smart1.
I wish to you, your friends and family a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year full of new energy!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wired on Google Solar Trees

Google is starting to plant Solar Trees.

On Wired you can find some nice pictures of them.

(Image by Wired.)

Is hydrogen useless?

A Slashdot posting tells us that Hydrogen won't save the economy?

Won't it? I'm not so sure... As we in Belgium doesn't have oil or other traditional energy sources, we'll have to generate our energy from wind, sun, water & maybe others. As we have enough water over here to make Hydrogen, that can't be the problem. Even if there are some efficiency and cost problems at the moment, technology will evolve like it did always and those problems will be solved...

So my conclusion is that Hydrogen will be used in the energy provisioning of the future. The Slashdot article is too pesimistic imo.

What do you think?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Yet an other way to produce hydrogen: solar cells.

Hydrogen is hot at the moment. Now some scientists have found a way to directly produce hydrogen in solar cells. An other step closer to future provisioning of hydrogen.

Read more here.

Can hydrogen be produced by biotech?

An new way to produce hydrogen has been made in labs Science Daily reports.
Hydrogen could be produced by genetically manipulated molecules. This offers great new perspectives for future energy applications.

Hat tip to the Combining the Sphere blog.