Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I just discovered this interesting project.

It's a plan to build a city in Danmark that is provided from energy by Hydrogen. Hydrogen will be created by surplus production of Wind & Solar Energy.

There sure are a lot of problems that have to be dealed with. One of the things I directly thought about. How will those hydrogen cars make long trips? Will the habitants have to change their cars for traditional ones to make those trips, etc.

Still it stays in innovative project. As I can read from the website, there are only plans at the moments and no concrete actions planned for the short term to realise this... Maybe one of the problems is how to finance such a project...

I wished that such kind of projects were also possible here in Flanders, as I am sure that such kind of projects deliver lots of practical knowledge about future technology. It certainly will give those danish companies an advantage of the rest of the world... An advantage that will become a great economical asset.

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